Welcome to the Homepage of the jimyj6 garden tractor project.














 July of the year 2000 I purchased for 850 one garden tractor complete with cultivator,10" plow, 42" snow blade, front loader and 48" mower deck, all for the sum of $850 and the seller threw in a 15' fiber glass boat free. Comming home and surveying my purchases I became quite fascinated with this old tractor and decided to get on the computer and see what information I could find and by the time that internet session was over I was hooked and wanted to know all there was to know about tne Gilson Garden |Tractor and the Gilson Brothers Manufacturing company the maker of my new found equipment.. The Montgomery Ward Variable Speed 14 as it is labeled and in another place the Squire 14 project had begun, following is the ongoing record and procedure of that project.

I still haven't found a lot of information on the Gilson Manufacturing company except that they were owned at one point by Lawnboy and now by Toro. If you have some source of information on this company I will be glad to get it. On with the project. After giving it the once over I was quite pleased with my purchase and I became convinced that I had made a great deal and felt better about making it. I have been known to overpay for something that I really want but this was not one of those times. The tractor was in geat shape and I mowed with it immediately.

I purchased this house at the beginninng of the year that sits on one and a half acres and my Craftsman 12hp 38" cut left much to be desired with this much to mow so the time for a new mower had arrived. Visit this page often to track the progress of the project.

Meet a Great Group of People in my Clubhouse, Click on the banner above. Visit Simple Tractors Clubhouse.